Ethereum – Smart Contracts and Wallet Setup
September 13, 2018
Author: Michael Gord
Smart Contracts and Wallet Setup on Ethereum
Below is example solidity code to create your own smart contract. Refer to the introduction to Solidity tutorial if you need help deploying and interacting with this. Smart contracts and wallet setup on Ethereum get easier every year, especially with tutorials like below.
pragma solidity ^0.4.4; contract SimpleWallet {
// Address is the owner
address owner;
struct WithdrawlStruct {
address to;
uint amount;
// Create an object for Senders
struct Senders {
bool allowed;
uint amount_sends;
mapping(uint => WithdrawlStruct) withdrawls;
// Mapping to determine if the Sender is allowed to send funds
mapping(address => Senders) isAllowedToSendFundsMapping;
// Events for Deposit and Withdrawals
event Deposit(address _sender, uint amount);
event Withdraw(address _sender, uint amount, address _beneficiary);
// Set the owner as soon as the wallet is created
function SimpleWallet() {
owner = msg.sender;
// Check if the caller is allowed to send the messages.
modifier allowedToSend() {
// This anonymous function is called when the contract receives
// funds from an address that is allowed to send funds
// The "msg.sender" needs to be the Owner/Senders
// and allowed to send funds to deposit them to the wallet
// Also emit an event called Deposit and declare the "msg.sender"
// and the value deposited.
function() allowedToSend payable {
Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
// Someone that is allowed to deposit funds is allowed to send
// In this case, it is the owner or the boolean mapping is true for the caller
// Their balance must be higher than the amount
// If it goes through, we emit a withdraw event and return the balance
function sendFunds(uint amount, address receiver) allowedToSend returns (uint) {
require(this.balance >= amount);
Withdraw(msg.sender, amount, receiver);
// Log each withdrawl, receiver, amount
isAllowedToSendFundsMapping[msg.sender].amount_sends ] = WithdrawlStruct(receiver, amount);
return this.balance;
modifier isOwner(){
require(msg.sender == owner);
// Allowed to send funds when the boolean mapping is set to true
function allowAddressToSendMoney(address _address) isOwner {
isAllowedToSendFundsMapping[_address].allowed = true;
// Not allowed to send funds when the boolean mapping is set to false
function disallowAddressToSendMoney(address _address) isOwner {
isAllowedToSendFundsMapping[_address].allowed = false;
// Check function which returns the boolean value
function isAllowedToSend(address _address) constant returns (bool) {
return isAllowedToSendFundsMapping[_address].allowed || _address == owner;
// Check to make sure the msg.sender is the owner
// And it will suicide the contract and return funds to the owner
function killWallet() isOwner {
For more information on Solidity, go to the Solidity Developer documents.
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