npm install web3 ethereumjs-tx ethereumjs-util
Download web3, ethereumjs-tx and ethereumjs-util from your terminal.
Go to your node console.
var Web3 = require("web3")
Require web3.
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.httpsProvider("https://localhost:8545"))
Get web3 Instance in Node Console. 8545 is the default port to connect to.
In a new terminal window run testrpc.
Check balance of account[0] in Wei.
web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[0]), 'ether')
Check balance of account[0] in Ether.
acct1 = web3.eth.accounts[0]
Create account helper methods.
acct2 = web3.eth.accounts[1]
acct3 = web3.eth.accounts[2]
var balance = (acct) => { return web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(acct), 'ether').toNumber()}
Create balance method.
Query balance of account[0] to make sure its working.
web3.eth.sendTransaction({from: acct1, to:acct2, value: web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), gasLimit: 21000, gasPrice: 20000000000})
Send 1 test ether from acct1 to acct2.
var txHash = _
Create variable for txHash output from above.
balance(acct2) balance(acct1)
Query balance of acct1 and acct1 to make sure the transaction went through.
Check transaction data from txHash.
MLG Blockchain is a blockchain development and consulting firm based in Toronto that is focused on building next generation applications using blockchain and smart contract technology. View all our blockchain development tutorials at